
TISH Jewish Food Festival: LAND

Na desce leżą por i koper. Obok stoją pusta szklanka oraz doniczka z odwróconą ogonkiem do góry rzodkiewką. Na środku kwadrat z napisem TISZ Festiwal Żydowskiego Jedzenia. Ziemia, 27.09-1.10.2023
fot. Z.J. Borysiewicz

‘LAND’ is the key word of the sixth edition of TISH* Jewish Food Festival. This year, we focus on the connection between food and sustainable development, indigenousness and seasonality. We will talk about urban agriculture and foods one can harvest in and out of cities. Five days of unique culinary workshops, meetings and tours are ahead of us! You will also find us all over Warsaw at milk bars and food markets, from morning till evening!

  • 27 September – 1 October 2023 (Wednesday – Sunday)

The slogan of this year’s TISH Festival edition offers an opportunity to take a closer look at the history of Jewish food—among others, urban kibbutzim and dishes based on fresh local produce. This year, in cooperation with FOODISH, i.e. culinary department of the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv, we will host special guests from Israel, among them chefs Dafi Kremer, Hananel Edri and Guy Bajour from the Nomads Kitchen Collective who will present to us Israeli food we have never heard of.

We have also prepared a tour of the POLIN core exhibition along a new culinary route, combined with a tasting of dishes from Jewish cuisine. We will also set off on culinary tours of Warsaw, both of Jewish Warsaw and present-day Warsaw, where different languages, flavours and aromas continue to intermingle. As each year, we will learn about the Sukkot holiday together and we will invite you to celebrate with us in our sukkah [booth]. We will taste delicious dishes which will acquaint us with what is local while at the same time taking us to Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel.

During the Festival, we will eat breakfast together at a food market, we will listen to a story about the culinary culture of Israel and about local agriculture. On Friday evening, we will sit at a table set for a Shabbat meal. We will show up at a special edition of one of the largest food places in town—the Night Market. On one of the Festival days, we will remember Paweł Smoleński, a great lover of and expert on Israeli culture, including the culinary one.

Part of the events will be translated into the Polish Sign Language.

We will hit the town to attend meetings, picnics and bars—and all that thanks to the events accompanying the Festival!
We also recommend a visit at POLIN Museum’s Warsze bistro which has prepared a special menu on the occasion of the TISH Festival.

2022 TISH Festival was the laureate of the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award.

Zofia Janina Borysiewicz is the author of the 6th edition of TISH Festival graphic design.

TISH* (Yiddish for ‘table’) – in the Jewish tradition, a joyous time spent on dining, drinking, singing and talking while seated together at a table.

As in the previous years, TISH Jewish Food Festival takes place during the joyous holiday of Sukkot.

Program of TISH Jewish Food Festival: LAND >>

The festival is part of the European Days of Jewish Culture.


Logos of sponsors of TISH Festival 2023

Special guests:

Logos of special guests of TISH Festival 2023


Logos of partners of TISH Festival 2023


Logos of institution which cooperates with POLIN Museum on TISH Festival 2023