Good practices in collection management





Since 2020, we have been running the "Collection on wheels" project at the Museum. Its purpose is to provide a set of good practices in the field of comprehensive management of the museum collection, which is important in preserving the material, historical and cultural heritage of Polish Jews. The creation of recommendations also contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about this heritage and the popularisation of professional museum tools.
We share our experience by publishing "Recommendations and good practices for collection management in cultural institutions", which has been planned and divided into four parts. Two parts have already been published and we are currently working on the next ones. Each part is dedicated to a particular area of collection management in a cultural institution:
Part one - "Practical recommendations and good practices for preservation of monuments in cultural institutions" - the publication is addressed to museum professionals and collectors and it is intended to facilitate the care of collections in terms of conservation and storage in accordance with best practices and standards. The publication in the form of a pdf file (in Polish) can be found below.
Part two - "Recommendations and good practices for collection management in cultural institutions" - addresses the issues of policies and strategies related to the development of the collection, collection rules, record keeping, control and movement (sharing). We believe that the publication will be used by employees of partner museums as a helpful source of guidance when introducing internal regulations in the institutions and will also become a tool to facilitate the maintenance of collections in accordance with good practices and standards for museums. The publication in the form of a pdf file (in Polish) can be found below.
Part three - "Recommendations and good practices for collection management in cultural institutions - collection development" - covers the issues related to the cataloguing of collections: exhibits, archives or digital objects; in the case of the former (part I) - examples of works of art, including contemporary art or comic boards, historical items and personal memorabilia, Judaica or legacies or archival sets; in the case of the digital collection (part II) - examples of recordings from oral history projects, digital documentation of private archives or documentation of places and architectural objects created by museums in the field.
- The publication will be available from January 2023 onwards.
The publication "Recommendations and good practices for collection management in cultural institutions" accompanies the "Collection on wheels" project within the Jewish Cultural Heritage programme. The project is to be implemented in the years 2020 - 2024.