Antisemitic narratives that prevail in popular culture in Poland—publication of the research project report

In 2022, on POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews’ commission, a three-stage research project was conducted. It aimed to map the most important cultural codes that shape the images of Jews in contemporary Polish culture, as well as to analyze the risks associated with them.
"Who Do Poles See When They See a Jew?" report sums up the research findings. The results indicate that antisemitism, especially the kind that people are not even aware of, is vividly present in our collective imagination. Moreover, antisemitism is not only a tool for discriminating against a specific minority group but also a repeated pattern of discrimination against various minorities.
Download the report
- Who do Poles see when they see a Jew? - accessible document [.docx]
- Who do Poles see when they see a Jew? [.pdf]
POLIN Museum employs the knowledge gained in the course of the aforementioned research in an educational program addressed to decision-makers and multipliers. This includes MPs, local government officials, police and other law enforcement agencies, representatives of legal communities, as well as media professionals and educators.
The report was prepared by:
- Semiotic Solutions (Joanna Damaszko, Marcin Napiórkowski, Krzysztof Polak, Marzena Żurawicka)
- WiseRabbit (Marta Bierca, Dorota Wiszejko-Wierzbicka).
It was edited by Marcin Napiórkowski.
The publication was produced within the framework of the Comprehensive Program to Study and Combat Antisemitism in Poland program, run by POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
In 2022, the program was realised together with the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland, thanks to the support of the Sills Family Foundation, Andrzej and Małgorzata Rojek, and Tomek Ulatowski.
The research was conducted thanks to the support from the EEA Grants.,,
Co-financed by the European Union. The expressed views and opinions are those of the authors only and do not reflect the views of the European Union or the European Commission (the body awarding the grant). Neither the European Union nor the grant-awarding institution are responsible for them.