Pamiątki z getta warszawskiego
Pamiątki z getta warszawskiego, fot. P. Kaniecki / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich
Anniversaries & holidays

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Auschwitz, the German Nazi Concentration  and Death Camp has evolved into an international symbol. 27 January, the anniversary of its liberation, was proclaimed the International Holocaust Remembrance Day by the United Nations.

Representatives of almost all European nations occupied by Germans – the vast majority being Jews – were imprisoned and murdered in Auschwitz. Over 1,1 million people did not survive until the liberation, falling victim of the largest of all Nazi death factories.

Despite the fact that many victims of the Holocaust do not even have their own graves, the memory of them lives on. It is passed on by people, memorial sites and institutions. Sometimes, the memory is inscribed in the objects which recall the tragic fate of their former owners. On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we present such objects from the POLIN Museum collection.

These objects tell stories of various experiences of Polish Jews during the Holocaust. They reminisce the life in the ghetto, living in hiding, concentration camps, Christians rescuing Jewish children, deportations to the Soviet Union, or the post-war void and loneliness of those who survived.

Owing to these objects, we can today retell the stories of Bronia Morgenstern, Romuald Waszkinel, Grania Klitenik, Krystyna Sigalin, Anna Stupnicka-Bando, Zygmunt Marczewski, Paulina and Artur Włodawer, Celina Glücksberg and Ryszard Moszkowski. These objects are the only trace left of their families.

The Włodawer's letters   A tablecloth from the getto   The "no change" type of scales   Medallion
Listy Włodawerów   Obrus z getta   Waga Wekslerów   Medalion od Buchnera
A letter from Zduńska Wola   The dress   Signet ring of a prisoner who walked in the Death March   Drawing by Ryszard Moszkowski    
List ze Zduńskiej Woli   Sukienka Greni Klitenik   Sygnet więźnia z marszu śmierci   Drawing by R. Moszkowski Le souci / Sorrow


The Violin of Marek Izydor Bauer

The Violin of Marek Izydor Bauer