Program konferencji

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- Sesje równoległe w języku angielskim
- Wykłady specjalne i wprowadzające oraz debaty w języku angielskim z tłumaczeniem na język polski
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Dzień 1 // 3 października (niedziela) >>
16.00 – 18.00 // Otwarcie konferencji
The Narcissism of Small Differences? Reflections on Jewish Studies and Jewish Area Studies
- Wykładowca: François Guesnet
- Komentatorzy:
- Enrico Lucca
- Dan Michman
- Harriet Murrav
- Andrzej Żbikowski
- Moderator: Artur Markowski
18.00 – 18.30 // Przerwa
18.30 – 20. 00 // Blok sesji równoległych 1
- Narratives of Conversion and Belonging in Jewish and Polish History
- Moderator/Komentator: Israel Bartal
- Karen Auerbach, "Alienation, Belonging, and Gender: Coming of Age between Catholic and Jewish in Fin-de-Siecle Warsaw"
- Hanna Kozinska-Witt, "Female Jewish Converts in Krakow's Public Sphere: The Case of the Baruch Family During the Second Half of the 19th Century"
- Kalman Weiser, "A Yiddishist 'Ba’al Tshuvah': Max Weinreich in Vilna"
- Moderator/Komentator: Israel Bartal
- New Paradigms, Methodologies, and Sources for the History of Hasidism
- Paneliści >>
- Moderator/Komentator: Ora Wiskind-Elper
- Glenn Dynner, "Polish Hasidism as a ‘Culture of Resistance’"
- Elly Moseson, "Holy Writings: The Manuscript in Hasidism and in its Historical Reconstruction"
- Wojciech Tworek, "Hasidic Yeshivas in Interwar Poland from a Quantitative Perspective: The Case of Chabad-Lubavitch"
- Historians of Societies in Turmoil: Cultural Memory and Politics of Memory
- Paneliści >>
- Moderator/Komentator: Jeffrey Veidlinger
- Omer Bartov, "Criminalizing Denial as a Form of Erasure: The Polish-Ukrainian-Israeli Triangle"
- Dalia Ofer, "History and Memory: A Challenge for Israeli Historians. A Personal Account"
- Monika Rice, "What Went Wrong After "Neighbors," and Can We Still Talk to One Another?"
20.00 – 22.00 // Sesja Plakatowa
Dzień 2 // 4 października (poniedziałek) >>
16.00 – 18.00 // Exploring Jewish History in the Digital Age
- Wykładowca: Gerben Zaagsma
- Moderator: Michelle Margolis Chesner
18.00 – 18.30 // Przerwa
18.30 – 20.00 // Blok sesji równoległych 2
- Between Memory and Education: Challenging Holocaust Transmission and the Fight against Antisemitism
- Moderator/Komentator: Omer Bartov
- Delphine Barré, "Communicating the Holocaust: Educators' Dilemmas in the Age of Social Media"
- Philippe Boukara, "Pedagogy in Direct Confrontation with Antisemitism"
- Hubert Strouk, "Antisemitism and Social Networks: Permanence and Mutations"
- Moderator/Komentator: Omer Bartov
- Exhibiting Loss: Discovering New Museum Possibilities
- Moderator/Komentator: Galit Hasan-Rokem
- Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz, "On the Search of Lost Time and Space: The Virtual Shabbat Room by Isidor Kaufmann and Maya Zack"
- Lea Mauas and Diego Rotman, "On Ephemeral Homes: Reflections on Sukkot, Museums and Contemporaneity"
- Jeffrey Shandler, "YIVO’s Lost Museum of the Homes of the Past"
- Moderator/Komentator: Galit Hasan-Rokem
- Inside the Eruv: Inclusive Approaches to Haredi Language, Religion, and Culture
- Moderator/Komentator: Samuel Heilman
- Ayala Fader, "Anthropology and Jewish Studies: Ultra-Orthodox Doubt, Ethics, and Obligation"
- Lily Kahn and Kriszta Eszter Szendrői, "Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish"
- Naomi Seidman, "Whatever Happened to Bais Yaakov Yiddish?"
- Moderator/Komentator: Samuel Heilman
20.00 – 20.30 // Przerwa
20.30 – 22.00 // Panel dyskusyjny
Creating a Legacy: The Impact of Philanthropy on Jewish Studies in Poland
- Uczestnicy debaty: Sally Berkovic, Danielle Foreman, Shana Penn, Irene Pletka
- Moderator: Dariusz Stola
Dzień 3 // 5 października (wtorek) >>
16.00 – 18.00 // Beyond Traditional Methods: What is New and What is Next in Jewish Studies – Five Thoughts
- Wykładowca: Havi Dreifuss
- Komentatorzy:
- Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska
- Valery Dymshits
- Jeffrey Kopstein
- Jeffrey Veidlinger
- Moderator: Michał Trębacz
18.00 – 18.30 // Przerwa
18.30 – 20.00 // Blok sesji równoległych 3
- The Corporeal Turn: Cookbooks, Food, and Embodied Memory
- Moderator/Komentator: Jarosław Dumanowski
- Susanne Belovari, "The Unknown Ingredient: Viennese Cuisine Before Hitler"
- Kinga Júlia Király, "Recipes for a New Beginning: Transylvanian Jewish Stories of Life, Hunger, and Hope"
- András Koerner, "How to Read a Cookbook"
- Moderator/Komentator: Jarosław Dumanowski
- Reconsidering the Spatial Turn in Jewish Studies: A Relational Approach
- Moderator/Komentator: Cecile Kuznitz
- Susanne Korbel, "A Jewish Urban Space? Non-Jews in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt"
- Maja Hultman, "Reconstructing the Swedish Ostjude: Deep Mapping, GIS, and Urban Space"
- Moderator/Komentator: Cecile Kuznitz
- Multilingual Jewish Popular Culture from the end of the 19th Century until 1939: Routes to Modernity
- Moderator/Komentator: Gennady Estraikh
- Ela Bauer, "Hebrew Literature Should Descend to the Streets of the Shoemakers, the Tailors, the Washerwomen, and the Cooks: Responses in Warsaw at the End of the 19th Century to the Development of Popular Hebrew Literature"
- Nathan Cohen, "Popular Yiddish Reading: “Bibliotekn” for Lay Yiddish Readers"
- Eugenia Prokop-Janiec, "Interwar Polish-Jewish Novels in Installments as a Medium of Memory and History"
- Moderator/Komentator: Gennady Estraikh
20.00 – 20.30 // Przerwa
20.30 – 22.00 // Blok sesji równoległych 4
- Focusing on Families: What Does Polish Jewish History Have to Gain?
- Moderator/Komentator: Ori Yehudai
- Sarah Cramsey, "“It Was Easier with a Child than Without”: Creating and Raising Polish Jewish Families in Wartime Soviet Union, 1939–1946"
- Anna Cichopek-Gajraj, "Acquiring Information: Polish Jewish Families in Postwar Displacement"
- Joanna Michlic, "Postwar Reconstructions of Family through the Eyes of Polish Jewish Child Survivors"
- Moderator/Komentator: Ori Yehudai
- New Interactive Internet Approaches to Studying Eastern European Jewish Music
- Moderator/Komentator: Judah Cohen
- Eléonore Biezunski, "Acknowledging the Archives as a Living Space"
- Christina Crowder, "The Crowdsourced Digital Archive"
- Mark Slobin, " Integrating Approaches to a Neglected Treasure House"
- Moderator/Komentator: Judah Cohen
- Approaches to Jewish Architecture: From Nationalism to Post-Modernism
- Moderator/Komentator: Saskia Coenen Snyder
- Vladimir Levin, "Synagogues in 19th-Century Eastern Europe and What May be Learned from Them"
- Ulrich Knufinke, "Synagogues and Jewish Community Centers in Germany as Architecture of Remembrance and Jewish Empowerment after the Holocaust"
- Sergey Kravtsov, "Temple Iconography in 19th- and Early 20th- Century Synagogue Architecture"
- Moderator/Komentator: Saskia Coenen Snyder
Dzień 4 // 6 października (środa) >>
16.00 – 18.00 // What's Next in Jewish Studies: Prospects and Challenges
- Wykładowca: Marcin Wodziński
- Komentatorzy:
- Natalia Aleksiun
- Shaul Stampfer
- Adam Teller
- Marzena Zawanowska
- Moderator: Michał Galas
18.00 – 18.30 // Przerwa
18.30. – 20.00 // Blok sesji równoległych 5
- City, School, and Family: Exploring New Sources for the History of Galician Jews
- Moderator/Komentator: Daniel Unowsky
- Hanna Kozińska-Witt, "Municipal Records and the History of Kraków’s Jewish Community, 1866–1914"
- Rachel Manekin, "Voices of Young Jewish Women in Official Records"
- Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska, "Exhortations” for Jewish Youth"
- Moderator/Komentator: Daniel Unowsky
- Ilanot: Kabbalistic Iconotexts and New Frontiers of Digital Humanities
- Moderator/Komentator: Moshe Idel
- J.H. (Yossi) Chajes, "The Kabbalistic Tree: Challenges and Opportunities in the Research of a “New” Genre"
- Hanna Gentili, "Modeling the Worlds of Ilanot: The Ontology of Maps of God"
- Uri Safrai and Eliezer Baumgarten, "A Virtual Voyage Between Spheres and Sefirot: The Venetian Parchment and its Sources"
- Moderator/Komentator: Moshe Idel
- Looking At, Looking Away: The Testimonial Agency of Holocaust Photography
- Moderator/Komentator: Antony Polonsky
- Dorota Glowacka, "(Re)framing Gender: Representations of Female Bodies in Holocaust Photographs"
- Valerie Hébert, "Silent Witnesses: The Šķēde Execution Photographs"
- Wendy Lower and John K. Roth, "Holocaust Atrocity Photography as Testimony and Resistance"
- Moderator/Komentator: Antony Polonsky
20.00 – 20.30 // Przerwa
20.30 – 22.00 // Blok sesji równoległych 6
- Fin-de-Siècle Łódź: Jews, Patrons, and the Art of Samuel Hirszenberg
- Moderator/Komentator: Renata Piątkowska
- Richard I. Cohen, "The Artist and His Patrons: The Case of Samuel Hirszenberg (1865–1908)"
- Ruthie Kaplan, "Expanding the Borders: The Jewish District in Łódź between 1862 and 1914"
- Mirjam Rajner, "Samuel Hirszenberg: A Polish Jewish Artist in Fin-de-siècle Łódź"
- Moderator/Komentator: Renata Piątkowska
- Transregionalism, Local Identities, and Jewish Geography in Early Modern Ashkenaz
- Moderator/Komentator: Nancy Sinkoff
- Andrea Schatz, "Cities, Lands, and Narrated Geographies in Early Modern Jewish Historical Writing"
- Pavel Sládek and Milan Žonca, "Transregionalism and Jewish “Mental Geographies’ in Early Modern East-Central Europe"
- Tamás Visi, "The Value of the Ketubbah in 17th-Century Moravia"
- Moderator/Komentator: Nancy Sinkoff
- Jews and Conversion in Eastern Europe: New Approaches, Methodologies, Sources
- Moderator/Komentator: Paweł Maciejko
- Victoria Gerasimova, "Jewish Conversion Narratives and Personalizing the Margins of the Early Modern Jewish Community in Eastern Europe"
- Agnieszka Jagodzińska, " How Jewish is the History of Jewish Converts?"
- Ellie Schainker, "Narratives of Violence: Jews and Conversion in the Imperial Russian Borderlands"
- Moderator/Komentator: Paweł Maciejko
Dzień 5 // 7 października (czwartek) >>
16.00 – 17.30 // Blok sesji równoległych 7
- Polish Jews: Towards a New Past
- Moderator/Komentator: Natan Meir
- Ofer Dynes, "The Eastern European Archival Imaginary: Past, Present, and Future"
- Kamil Kijek, "The Transnational and Archival Turn: Rethinking Post-1945 Polish Jewish History"
- Agnieszka Wierzcholska, "The Microhistory of Polish-Jewish Interaction in Urban Space"
- Moderator/Komentator: Natan Meir
- The Network of Inns in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 18th century: A Spatial Humanities Approach to Jewish Socio-Economic Activities in Early Modern History
- Moderator/Komentator: Moshe Rosman
- Alberto Giordano and Jurgita Verbickienė, "Identifying and Reconstructing the Network by Jewish Rented Inns along the Border of Prussia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania"
- Aivaras Poška, "The Inn by the Water Road: Supplementary River Trade Infrastructure and its Modus Operandi during the Second Half of the 18th Century"
- Shaul Stampfer, "A New Look at Jews as Sellers of Alcoholic Beverages"
- Moderator/Komentator: Moshe Rosman
- Mobility and Migration in German-Jewish Photography during the National Socialist Era
- Moderator/Komentator: Maiken Umbach
- Rebekka Grossmann, "A Camera and a Map: Independent Travel and Mobility in German-Jewish Vernacular Photography"
- Shira Miron, "The Actual History of the Last Image: Documentation, Narration, and Remembrance in German-Jewish Photography of Departure"
- Sarah Wobick-Segev, "Between Escape and Escapism: How Vacation Photography Informed Visions of Emigration"
- Moderator/Komentator: Maiken Umbach
17.30 – 18.00 // Przerwa
18.00 – 19.30 // Panel dyskusyjny: The Future of Museum Architecture
- Uczestnicy debaty: Andrzej Bulanda, Rainer Mahlamaki, Jakub Szczęsny
- Moderator: Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett
19.30 – 20.00 // Przerwa
20.00 – 21.00 // Podsumowanie konferencji
- Paneliści: Scott Ury, Dariusz Stola, Geneviève Zubrzycki
- Moderator: Antony Polonsky