Wśród drzew budynek Muzeum POLIN, pomnik Bohaterów Getta i bloki na Muranowie. W tle panorama warszawskich wieżowców.
fot. M. Jaźwiecki / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

MADE IN POLIN business cooperation program

The MADE IN POLIN is a unique corporate partnership program that will position your brand within one of the most modern cultural and educational institutions in Europe.

POLIN Museum is an institution of international acclaim and reach. We focus on fulfilling our mission in Poland, but our programs and projects reach dozens of countries, including the United States of America, where we have managed to build a regular audience. We collaborate with the most important museums, galleries, and academic centres worldwide.

Both the establishment of POLIN Museum—the first public-private partnership in the cultural sector in Poland—and the funding of its program activities have been and continue to be possible thanks to cooperation with numerous business partners and donors. We have many years of experience in building lasting relationships with both companies and individuals who support our activities individually. Thanks to this cooperation, we create some of the most visited and highly appreciated cultural events in Poland and around the world. We organize widely commented temporary exhibitions, concerts and music festivals, we offer a rich educational and research program, and we develop our collection.
We invite you to collaborate with us as sponsors. We can tailor the cooperation to both the area of your interest and the financial scale of the collaboration. We offer an annual POLIN Patronage program, sponsor’s support for the Museum, as well as sponsorship of a selected area of our program activities or individual events.

We focus on synergy in our activities—we want to collaborate with companies that build their brand and development strategy on values close to ours.

Michał Kulisiewicz w błękitnej koszuli i zielonej marynarce.


Michał Kulisiewicz

Chief specialist – Head of MADE IN POLIN business cooperation program

e-mail: [email protected]

mobile: +48 696 768 405