Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia na Rozdrożach: Transnarodowe żydowskie sieci i tożsamości" – nagrania sesji

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Wszystkie nagrania będą dostępne we wrześniu 2023 roku.
Wykład specjalny: Tara Zahra – European Jews between Globalization and Deglobalization
Panel 1: Yiddishland in Global Perspective
Moderator/komentator: Elisabeth Gallas
- Carolin Piorun – Centers and Peripheries in Yiddishland. The Yiddish PEN Club and Its Transnational Network
- Barbara Mann – "A Bridge, Four Walls, and a Beam": The Yiddish Little Magazine as a Site of Transnational Culture
Panel 2: Soviet/Polish Diasporas – Stays and Returns
Moderator/komentator: Dariusz Stola
- Marcin Starnawski – A New Diaspora Space: Transnational Contacts Among Polish Jews after the 1968 Antisemitic Campaign
- Amy Fedeski – Refuseniks no more? Transnational Jewish Refugee Politics, 1971-1980
- Irina Nicorici – The Myth of Soviet Jewish No-Returns
Panel 3: Thinking of Home After the Holocaust
Moderator/komentator: Rebecca Kobrin
- Anne-Christin Klotz – Restitution, Remembrance & Relief: Polish-Jewish Survivor Landsmanshaftn as Agents of Migrant Self-help and Transnational Solidarity
- Claire Zalc – Transnational Circulations of Jewish Remembrance of the Holocaust: the Case of the Lubartów Memorial Book
- Eliyana Adler – Transnational Networks and the Resurrection of Dead Communities
Panel 4: Moving Spirituality
Moderator/komentator: Marcin Wodziński
- Ekaterina Oleshkevich – Tzaddik on Move: Long-Distance Relationship between the Chabad Rebbe and His Hasidim in the Interwar Period
- Avinoam Stillman – A Kabbalist at the Crossroads: Meir Poppers Between Krakow and Jerusalem
- Daniel Reiser – Vienna Post-World War I: A Crossroad Between Modern Psychotherapy and Hasidic Spiritual Prax
Panel 5: Jewish Popular Culture & Performance on the Move
Moderator/komentator: Marcos Silber
- Karina Pryt – Jewish Pioneers of the Polish Film Industry and the Trajectories of Their Films. An Empirical Study with QGIS Set in 1910s Warsaw
- Paula Ansaldo – The South American Jewish Theatre and the Transnational Networks of Yiddish Actors, 1930-1960
- Raffaele Esposito – Yiddish and Hebrew Stage Across Land and Language Borders. A Transnational and Translinguistic Theatre in the First Half of the 20th century
Panel 6: The Oriental Gaze in Yiddish
Moderator/komentator: Barbara Mann
- Nancy Sinkoff – Into Africa: A Polish Jewish Yiddish Journalist’s Travels through Colonial Africa On the Eve of World War II
- William Pimlott – Conceptualizing Colonialism in a Comparative Perspective: The East Central European Yiddish Press in conversation with Argentina and South Africa, 1890-1920
- Magdalena Kozłowska – "Un gliklekh zenen Yidn vos hobn nisht keyn geshikhte": Groshn-biblyotek on the 1934 Constantine Riots
Panel 7: Transnational Practices: Security, Crime and Production
Moderator/komentator: Katrin Steffen
- Netta Ehrlich – Jewish Security at a Crossroads: Self-Defense in Eastern Europe and the Land of Israel 1917-1921
- Margarita Lerman – From the shtetl to Maxwell Street? Jewish Criminal Cooperation in Turn-of-the-Century Chicago
- James Nadel – The Threads that Bind: Textiles and Jewish Mercantile Networks Across Imperial Russia, 1891-1917
Panel 8: Cultural Transfer
Moderator/komentator: Kamil Kijek
- Eli Lederhendler – Cultural Transfers and Transplanters: The East/East-Central European Jewish Heritage in American Jewish Life
- Anya Zhuravel Segal – Moscow on the Spree: Russian Jews as Cultural Brokers in Berlin, 1919-1939
- Marcos Silber – Jewish, Polish and Jewish-Polish Popular Culture in Transit: Transferring Transnationally, Transforming Locally
Panel 9: Transplanting Aesthetics
Moderator/komentator: Renata Piątkowska
- Vladimir Levin – Transnational Synagogues: Architectural Features, Behavioral Modes, and Imagined Communities
- Michael Lukin – The Premodern Yiddish Folk Song as an Expression of Transnational Experience
- Anna Berezin – Jewish Ceremonial Textiles in East Central Europe: There and Back Again
- Adriana Katzew – A New World: Unearthing Family Stories of Transnational Jewish Migration Through Art.
Panel 10: Dollars for Soup Kitchens: Transnational Aid Networks
Moderator/komentator: Jaclyn Granick
- Glenn Dynner – Transatlantic: The American Joint Distribution Committee in Interwar Poland
- Piotr Długołęcki – Cooperation or competition? Aid activities of International Jewish Organizations and Polish Diplomatic and Consular Posts During the Second World War
- Elena Hoffenberg – Finding One’s ORT: Mobility and Jewish Technical Education within and beyond Interwar Poland