Paradisus Iudaeorum (1569–1648)

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, one of the largest states in Europe that was ethnically and religiously diverse, became a home to the majority of world Jewry. It was here that Jews enjoyed the autonomy they had not known before, and the most eminent rabbis resided and taught.

Admire the interactive model of Kraków—then the capital of Poland—with neighboring Kazimierz. Find out if you hail from one of 1,100 towns inhabited by Jews at the time. Make your own print using the printing press, the way it was done 400 years ago.

Scholarly supervision of the gallery: Prof. Adam Teller (Brown University, USA), Dr Igor Kąkolewski (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn).


Paradisus Iudaeorum Gallery, gift of the Association Européenne du Musée de l'Histoire des Juifs de Pologne POLIN (European Committee for the Support of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews).

The project implementation and production of the core exhibition was made possible thanks to the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland. The creation of the exhibition was possible thanks to the support of donors from around the world.