Nasz Muranów - leżaki wystawione przed siedzibą Muzeum POLIN.
fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Our Muranów

At POLIN Museum, we feel deep connection with our neighbourhood. Together with the inhabitants of Muranów, we reside at the heart of the pre-war Jewish Northern Quarter, within the area of the former Ghetto which had been razed to the ground by the Germans. After the war, the rubble of the ruined city was used purposefully as a building material to raise new residential estates. A new life was to flourish amidst the ruins. And so it did.

From the day we opened POLIN Museum to the public, cooperation with our Muranów neighbours has been of utmost importance to us. We have realised a number of joint projects: both big, spectacular events such the Neighbour’s Day or a picnic to celebrate the International Children’s Day, and smaller events such as  Muranów 2014 performance or The Cut (2015)), realised as part of POLIN Museum’s artistic residences. You will find information on our current activities below.

We strive to identify our neighbours’ needs and expectations. We have become a party in the local dialogue on everyday life and the quarter’s identity. We also collaborate with organisations and institutions operating in our neighbourhood. POLIN Museum is a prime mover behind the Przepis na Muranów (Recipe for Muranów) local partnership.