Anniversaries & holidays

80th birthday of Ronald S. Lauder – the first Donor of the POLIN Museum

Ronald S. Lauder ubrany w czarny garnitur i elegancką białą koszulę stoi przodem do obiektywu z założonymi rękami. Uśmiecha się.
fot. archiwum Ronalda S. Laudera

Ronald S. Lauder – international philanthropist, investor, art collector, former representative of the American government in various positions, including as US ambassador to Austria. For years, he has been deeply involved in the protection and development of Jewish life around the world.

Since 2007, he has been the President of the World Jewish Congress. In this role, he regularly meets with heads of state, prime ministers and government representatives, representing the broadly understood Jewish community. He has actively supported Israel for years, especially in times when the state or its citizens are under attack, and has encouraged and helped develop vibrant Jewish communities around the world. Since 2012, he has been a member of the International Auschwitz Council. He also serves on the Boards of many prestigious institutions around the world.

He was the first significant donor who believed in the idea of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews and supported the development of the project at its initial stage. For this contribution, he received the title of "First Donor" of the POLIN Museum. He has been actively supporting the activities of the Museum for years, since 2020 as a member of the Museum Council.

The entire POLIN Museum team wishes Mr. Lauder the strength, health and energy for his work for Jewish life in Poland and around the world.