
"What’s Cooking? Jewish Culinary Culture" exhibition – press release

Grafika promująca wystawę Od kuchni. Żydowska kultura kulinarna, 11.03-12.12.2022. Napis Od kuchni ułożony jest z liter stworzonych z jedzenia, np. O przypomina bułkę z dziurą w środku, C to rogal, I ryba.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Show me your plate and I will tell you who you are: where you hail from, who your ancestors were, who your neighbours are and what lifestyle you lead. In the new exposition, we show our audience what is cooking in the Jewish world—we acquaint the wide public with Jewish culture in various corners of the globe by showing typical Jewish dishes, the way they are fixed, their origin and symbolism.

Press materials:

  1. Official graphics of exhibition in English [.zip, .jpg]
  2. Posters of exhibition in Polish [.zip, pdf, .jpg]
  3. Culinary session, phot. M. Jaźwiecki [.zip, .jpg]
  4. Photos of dishes and exhibits, phot. M. Jaźwiecki / POLIN Museum [,zip, .jpg, .docx]
  5. Photos of the exhibition, phot. M. Jaźwiecki / POLIN Museum [.zip, .jpg]
  6. Photos of the exhibition - empty spaces, phot. M. Jaźwiecki / POLIN Museum [.zip, .jpg]
  7. Culinary photos, phot. M. Kulisiewicz [.zip, .jpg]

Media contact:

Press Office
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Marta Dziewulska
Spokeswoman/Head of the Press Office
e-mail: [email protected]
tel. +48 604 464 675