The Daffodils social-educational campaign—let us remember the male and female heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

On 19 April, we held the 9th edition of the Daffodils social-educational campaign aimed to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
The event had a record-breaking reach: the hashtags #RememberingTogether and #DaffodilsCampaign were used 1.7 million times, the website recorded 85,000 hits, and there were more than 2,000 media publications reaching over 60 million recipients. The campaign was accompanied by nationwide informational and promotional activities led by the campaign’s Ambassadors.
4,362 schools, libraries and other educational institutions from all over Poland joined the campaign and declared the participation of 408,771 students. Film and literary premieres as well as sets of educational materials were produced especially for them. Teachers evaluated our offer with great enthusiasm: "We are watching all the premieres with you today. The pupils are delighted with the new proposals. Thank you!". The special anniversary program of events included: virtual walk along the memorial sites dating back to the times of Warsaw Ghetto, discussions and a concert. Overall, the events attracted 57,000 viewers.
Read more about our program and educational material available >>
This year, we wanted to focus on the role of women in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. We painted a mural in the centre of Warsaw featuring nine Jewish fighters who both took part in the armed combat in the ghetto or supported the fighters from the other side of the ghetto wall.
People from all the corners of the world could have joined in the Daffodils campaign—which has been promoted for years now with the slogan “Remembering together”—by wearing a yellow paper daffodil on that day, or using a virtual one.
As each year, albeit on a much smaller scale due to the pandemic, our volunteers distributed 27,000 paper daffodils—symbols of remembrance of the Warsaw ghetto fighters—in the streets of Warsaw. This year, we also used the so-called commemorative pillars to safely distribute 10,000 paper flowers. We distributed 121,900 sets of stickers with yellow daffodils with popular daily and weekly papers.