
2019 POLIN AWARD Nominees: Katarzyna Markusz

Nominowani do Nagrody POLIN 2019: Katarzyna Markusz. Na zdjęciu Katarzyna Markusz stoi wśród drzew w jesiennych kolorach.
Nominowani do Nagrody POLIN 2019: Katarzyna Markusz. Na zdjęciu Katarzyna Markusz stoi wśród drzew w jesiennych kolorach, fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Katarzyna Markusz for many years, she has run a website dedicated to Sokołów’s Jewish past. Thanks to this website, descendants of Sokołów Jews have been found from around the world.

Every year, on 22 September, she organises a ceremony in Sokołów, in memory of 22 September 1942, the date of the liquidation of the Sokołów ghetto. Katarzyna Markusz publishes books about Sokołów, endeavouring to find financial support for the translation of Yiddish into Polish.

These books, translated and put together with great care, are now available online at In 2010, Katarzyna Markusz organised an exhibition in which she juxtaposed archival photographs of the life of the Jewish community with current photographs of the same places. She also runs educational activities in Sokołów schools.