Na tle ściany biały napis museums and their publics at sites of conflicted history. Pod spodem logo GEOP i Muzeum POLIN.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Museums and Their Publics at Sites of Conflicted History

Welcome to the conference organized within the Global Education Outreach Program.

The conference will explore the role of museums in negotiating new public histories in societies in transition, as old narratives and historical policies are questioned and stories once silenced are given voice. Of special interest is how the historical narratives constructed in museums help to shape new social relations in a dynamically changing present.

Scholars in various disciplines (anthropology, sociology, history, memory studies, museology, art history, and political science, among others) and museum professionals, including curators and museum educators, are invited to discuss the role of museums in negotiating contested histories in relation to their publics.

Read more about the conference >>

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