Menora – Museum POLIN's new space at 2 Grzybowski Square

We invite you to the new initiative of POLIN Museum at 2 Grzybowski Square in Warsaw. At this location there was once a legendary Jewish restaurant named Menora. In honoring this name, Menora is now an information point about Jewish Warsaw, a meeting space for NGOs, and a place for cooking workshops.

Opened by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in 2016, there is a new and exciting meeting place on the map of Warsaw: Menora InfoPoint! Co-managed by the Taube Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland Foundation, Menora InfoPoint is a multi-functional space with an information center providing knowledge about the past and contemporary Jewish Warsaw, a meeting room given free of charge to non-governmental organizations, as well as a place for cooking classes. Culinary classes, meetings, and debates are a crucial part of the activities carried out at Menora InfoPoint. They are a way to reconnect people to Jewish culture in the most direct way – by cooking, tasting, and talking about Jewish food. Since its opening, over 25 cooking workshops for nearly 300 participants have been organized. Among these workshops is a popular cooking class conducted by Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, who focuses on the Jewish dishes she remembers from her family home.

Menora InfoPoint quickly became an important point on the cultural and educational map of Warsaw, and in just the first year, over 4,000 guests have visited the space. Menora InfoPoint cooperates with the Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow, Singer’s Warsaw Festival, Jewish Motifs Film Festival, and many others. 

Menora InfoPoint

Here one can find an old address on a giant map of prewar Warsaw, look at the available internet data bases and platforms and get to know what, when, and where things are going on in Jewish Warsaw!

Menora InfoPoint is open Monday-Friday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

You can get materials at our InfoPoint, for example the map of Jewish Warsaw.

Meeting space

POLIN Museum is gladly sharing this room with non-governmental organizations and institutions, whose activity is consistent with the mission of the museum and who aim to broaden common understanding and respect for others. We direct our invitation to organizations dealing with the promotion of culture and maintenance of Jewish heritage, but also to those who deal with human rights, civic education,  and counteracting antisemitism, racism, and any other kind of discrimination. Organizations can use the room for free for workshops, meetings, debates, etc. For further information, please email: [email protected].

Cooking workshops

POLIN organizes cooking workshops at Menora with the intention of bringing back forgotten Jewish-Polish recipes. However, we do not solely limit ourselves to reconstructing the recipes ( i.e. learning how to cook them); we also show what was and is Jewish cooking. We try to answer questions like: is pickling kosher?  How do you prepare a Shabbat dinner? Jewish culture – try it, cook it, taste it!

To see available workshops and sign up click here:

We would like to sincerely thank Katia Roman-Trzaska from Little Chef for helping us to create the concept of our culinary workshops.

Charlotte Menora

There is also the bistro, Charlotte Menora, where you can try their new Jewish menu, prepared especially for Jewish Warsaw!

Charlotte is a Jewish café, inspired by traditional Jewish bakeries like the Parisian Le Marais or the bakeries and bars of Brooklyn and Manhattan, that perfectly combines  traditional elements and modern functionality.

As in every Charlotte in Poland, you can also buy bread made on-site, have a quick and tasty meal, or a glass of wine. Charlotte Menora is distinguished by its Jewish bread, such as bagels, challah, and rye bread, which are available only at this particular Charlotte location, and by its special addition of Jewish dishes to its menu.


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