
Polish-Jewish Memory of March 1968 – a seminar

Wiec polityczny - grupa osób siedzi, wiele z nich trzyma transparenty z napisami Syjoniści do Izraela.
Wiec poparcia dla antysyjonistycznej polityki partii po wydarzeniach marcowych, Kraków, Huta im. Lenina, 20.03.1968. Fot. PAP/CAF/Andrzej Piotrowski

Series of seminars co-organised by the Institute of Polish Culture at the Warsaw University, dedicated to the key acpects of the antisemitic campaign of 1968, as well as to the memory of those events.

  • 19 February (Monday), 5 – 7.30 PM

Please note: only people interested in attending the entire series should book. The seminars will take place on second Monday of each month until June 2018.


The program Estranged: March ‘68 and Its Aftermath consists of a series of projects and a temporary exhibition at POLIN Museum. It aims at recalling the memory of the causes, the course and the consequences of the March '68 antisemitic campaign on the 50th anniversary of the events.

Organizer     Patron   Co-Organizer




David Goldman & Debbie Bisno with the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics
Marek & Agnieszka Nowakowscy
Andrzej & Małgorzata Rojek
Jerry Wartski with Family
Paul Goldner & Sandy Soifer

Institutional Patron

Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe

Media Patrons

  • polsko-zydowska_pamiec_marca_1968_pl.pdf
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