
Video: Metropolitan Jewish Cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe

Opis zdjęcia: Cmentarz żydowski w Warszawie - wśród drzew widać macewy, czyli tradycyjne, żydowskie kamienie nagrobne, fot. drian Grycuk/CC BY-SA 3.0-pl/Wikimedia Commons

Professor Rudolf Klein from Szent István University will talk about metropolitan Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe.

  • 29 May (Wednesday), 6PM

This lecture deals with metropolitan Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe, from the aspects of art history, architecture and planning, landscaping, Jewish history, Jewish-Christian/Moslem dialogue, the influence between different European regions, including the impact of the Reform Movement and the Ashkenazi-Sephardi dialogue.

Its subject comprises the entirety of elements of 19th and 20th century Jewish cemeteries: urban location, morphology of cemeteries, gravestone typology, stylistic analysis, symbols and inscriptions – language, content, typography – tahara and ceremonial halls, wells, benches, pergolas, row- and section-markers, etc.

Lecture delivered in English.

Rudolf Klein is professor of history of architecture at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Department of Szent István University. He specializes in history and theory of the 19th- and 20th-century architecture and its impact on religious identity. He is author of many books on history of architecture, including one dedicated to the synagogues in Hungary from late 18th c. to early 20th century, and one about Jewish cemeteries.



The lecture is organized within the Global Education Outreach Program.

This lecture was made possible thanks to Taube Philanthropies, the William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation, and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland. 

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