Lecture: Memory of Genocide and the Roma Identity

2 August is the International Roma Genocide Remembrance Day. With reference to this occasion, we have organized a lecture by Prof. Sławomir Kapralski.
The lecture will present an overview of the background and course of the mass extermination of the Roma during World War II and its various mechanisms. The main part of the lecture will be devoted to the aftermath of the genocide for the survivors and for contemporary Roma, as well as the role of remembrance for different contemporary Roma identities and the history of the Roma political movement. The speaker will present examples of Roma genocide remembrance initiatives, implications of the study of the Roma mass extermination and general reflections on genocide.
Prof. Sławomir Kapralski – sociologist, author of Naród z popiołów. Pamięć zagłady a tożsamość Romów (A Nation from the Ashes. Memory of Genocide and the Roma Identity), co-author of the monograph Romowie w KL Auschwitz (The Roma at KL Auschwitz).
3 August, 18:00, admission free, lecture available in English translation.
The cycle of activities entitled "Ours-Strange-Different – the Museum Confronting Stereotypes" is realised within the framework of "The Jewish Cultural Heritage" project, component "Faces of Diversity". Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
www.eeagrants.org, www.norwaygrants.org
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