4.10, 7.10.2021 - online

Roundtables - the online conference "What’s New, What’s Next?"

Ciemna widownia, oświetlona scena, przy stole prezydialnym naukowcy, którzy biorą udział w dyskusji, na ekranie za nimi czarno-białe zdjęcie przedstawia dziecko, kryjące się za dorosłymi
fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Roundtables are part of the online conference "What’s New, What’s Next? Innovative Methods, New Sources, and Paradigm Shifts in Jewish Studies".

  • 4 October (Monday), 7 October (Thursday)
  • Debates in English with simultaneous translation into Polish

Creating a Legacy: The Impact of Philanthropy on Jewish Studies in Poland – an online panel discussion of prominent donors

  • 4 October (Monday), 8:30-10:00 pm CET
  • Chair: Dariusz Stola
  • Panelists:
    • Sally Berkovic, Rothschild Foundation Handiv Europe
    • Anita Friedman, Koret Foundation
    • Shana Penn, Taube Philanthropies
    • Irene Pletka, The Kronhill Pletka Foundation

Donors play an important role in supporting Jewish studies in Poland and in the development of Polish Jewish studies in the United States and Israel. Prominent supporters of Jewish studies will respond to the following questions. What are your priorities? How do you decide what to support? What impact are you looking for? What has been the impact of your support of Jewish studies and specifically Polish Jewish studies in Poland, the United States, and Israel. How do you see the future of the field?

The Future of Museum Architecture - an online panel discussion with architects, focusing on Jewish and Holocaust museums.

  • 7 October (Thursday), 6:00-7:30 pm CET
  • Chair: Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett 
  • Panelists:
    • Rainer Mahlamaki 
    • Andrzej Bulanda 
    • Jakub Szczęsny

It has been said that a museum’s unique architecture is its greatest single object and a prize architectural commission. Indeed, some of the most spectacular and innovative buildings are created for museums. This panel will explore the challenges, successes, and failures of museum architecture, with a focus on Jewish and Holocaust museums.

Together with a group of distinguished architects, we will reflect on the challenges of designing buildings for Jewish museums and for Holocaust museums. We will try, at least partially, to answer questions concerning the evolution of contemporary museum architecture and the museum boom in recent years. We will ask our guests why museum commissions give them and other architects the opportunity to experiment and whether museums represent their best work, their best achievements. We will also address the topic of museums and the future in light of an extremely rapidly changing world, the trends that are currently emerging and their implications for the design of Jewish museums and Holocaust museums.