Final seminar within the project "Nonviolent Communication Approach in Adult Education in Historical Museums and Memorial Sites"

The project "Nonviolent Communication Approach in Adult Education in Historical Museums and Memorial Sites" is entering its final phase. On 25–27 April, the partners met at the headquarters of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw for the final training meeting.
In 2020, four organisations – the POLIN Museum from Poland, the Mémorial de la Shoah from France, the Žanis Lipke Memorial from Latvia and the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia from North Macedonia – formed a consortium to initiate a project entitled "Nonviolent Communication Approach in Adult Education in Historical Museums and Memorial Sites." Over more than three years of the project, we have held a series of meetings, both online and at the premises of our various partners, during which we have learnt about and practised the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) approach developed by Marshall B. Rosenberg. At the end of last month, we met for the last time to discuss ways to use the NVC model in our work, with a special focus on people with disabilities. The seminar was led by Magdalena Malinowska, a certified NVC trainer.
The April seminar was the last in a series of training meetings within the project. Currently, the partners are working on the final publication. The publication will include an introduction to Nonviolent Communication, as well as ways to apply this model in working with audiences in historical museums and memorial sites, but also other cultural institutions. Through examples from the work of project participants, we want to show how useful Marshall Rosenberg’s method can be in our everyday work. The publication will be published this summer. The partners are also planning further activities to disseminate the results of the project after its completion.
Read more about final training meeting on Virtual Shtetl website >>
Project is co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program.
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