
Guidebook of "Around Us a Sea of Fire" exhibition

Na stole stoi katalog wystawy "Wokół nas morze ognia". W tle ściana w holu głównym Muzeum POLIN.
fot. M. Jaźwiecki / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

"Around Us a Sea of Fire" edited by Barbara Engelking and Zuzanna Schnepf-Kołacz accompanies the temporary exhibition "Around Us a Sea of Fire. The Fate of Jewish Civilians During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" at POLIN Museum.

  • Premiere: 16 April 2023
  • Publication is available, BUY NOW >>

In this richly illustrated, album-like publication, the authors—including both distinguished historians specialising in the Holocaust, and writers such as Hanna Krall, Andrzej Leder or Mikołaj Grynberg—reflect on the theme of the exhibition.

Publication accompanying the program "Thou Shalt Not Be Indifferent."