Application deadline: 28.09.2022

Seminar for teachers from Poland and Lithuania

Cztery osoby - uczestnicy seminarium - siedzą przy stole.
fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

POLIN Museum together with Memorial de la Shoah, Vilna Gaon Jewish Museum and The International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania would like to invite teachers to Polish-Lithuanian seminar dedicated to Holocaust remembrance and counteracting anti-Semitism.

During three days, October 18th–20th 2022, teachers from Poland and Lithuania will meet in Vilnius to discuss methods of working with the topic of difficult heritage of World War II. The program consists of workshops, discussions and guided tours during which participants will visit most important places connected with Jewish past in Vilnius. 

Details in the program >>

Languages of the program: English and Lithuanian. Polish participants are required to speak English at least on communicational level.

Organizers provide food and accommodation during the seminar (nights from October 17th till October 20th). Transport by bus will be provided from Warsaw on October 17th and from Vilnius to Warsaw on October 20th.

If you want to ask a question about the seminar, write at: [email protected]