Ready-to-go manuals for Police and Teachers

What does it mean for you when three different organizations join their efforts to develop educational material against discrimination? It could mean that these three different organizations are perhaps not that different at all.
Their national context may vary, but they feel the same urge to empower you with tools and skills to tackle discrimination. Not only do they realize how big the challenge can be, they are also convinced of the high necessity of anti-discrimination education. All three organizations are used to study the past in order to find hints for critical citizenship today. All three organizations know that a well-chosen approach and the right methods are key to deal with discrimination. And however difficult it sometimes may seem, the challenge shouldn’t be avoided.
These sets of manuals want to be your guide in this adventure. These manuals are the result of an intense team effort. Anne Frank House (Amsterdam), Kazerne Dossin (Mechelen, Belgium) and Polin (Warsaw) worked closely together to develop the methodologies and already hundreds of police officers and teachers from Belgium, Poland and the Netherlands were involved to try them out. You will encounter brand new tools and methods that have already proven their effectiveness in many educational contexts.
Two sets of manuals – one for teachers, one for police officers – can be used in different context with different target groups.
There are ready each in four language versions: English, Dutch, French and Polish.
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