PIYE participants became museum's reporters








In this year’s PIYE, Polish and Israeli students have internships in different departments in the Museum of History of Polish Jews. Shira & Maciej from the Communication department joined some of them today to see how they are progressing.
First, the educational department, where you can find Agata, Maayan, Omri and Weronika. Today they heard a lecture about how to create lesson scenarios for high school students, after which they started building their own. The idea of the internship is to build a new workshop about Israel for Polish youth, that will stay away from the usually discussed subjects and to show a different side of Israel and the same about Poland to Israeli youth.
Ola and Shir-Lee are in a guiding internship. They are trained how to guide the museum itself and also help prepare a trip for children, following the Polish-Jewish writer Julian Tuwim. Today they did some brainstorming for ideas of their own, for example: to add Janusz Korczak quotes to the “Balagan Room” in the museum. For the trip they added the idea of playing Tuwim’s songs for the children to hear. Also, the girls sat and practiced their speech. Soon they will guide the group in the museum which is promised to be a great experience for them all.
Lastly, Magda and Barak are doing their internship about the Righteous among the Nations. They receive materials and historic details and their job is to build and write the story of each person. Today, they are working on the story of Dr. Kazimierz Węckowski, which will be published in the near future. Also, they had a chance to hear Jan Karsky’s testimony and will write it down for documentation. Tomorrow they will meet Wanda Turczyńska in her apartment and tell us the complete story after that.
We will meet with the other two groups and hear the story of Mrs. Turczyńska by Barak and Magda, and see what they have prepared for the project and the Museum. It seems that PIYE students are very busy. There is no doubt that the results will be quite outstanding, and of course they will be available for the public to enjoy.