
The Museum on Wheels hits the road again

Kolaż złożony z wielu zdjęć.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

The Museum on Wheels is a modern mobile exposition combined with an extensive educational program.  The project was launched in 2014 and during its second edition, the exhibition will be displayed in 22 cities.

The central point of the exhibition is an interactive map of each city visited by The Museum on Wheels. The map describes important places connected with the local Jewish history. Through a three-dimensional model of a shtetl we present the most important places of a typical Polish-Jewish town. We also talk about Yiddish, Hebrew and Polish, the three coexisting and intertwining languages used by Polish Jews.

Restoring the local history is underlined by the fact that each visit of the Museum on Wheels is prepared in cooperation with local leaders and activists who devote their time and resources to take care of the memory of Polish Jews.

The Museum on Wheels has set out on this year’s journey with a new and enhanced offer of educational workshops and supplementary events. The exhibition titled “They risked their lives – Poles who saved Jews during the Holocaust” will be displayed at our pavilion. The exposition was premiered at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in December 2013.

The touring of the exhibition and participation in activities carried out by the activity leaders are free of charge.

More information on The Museum on Wheels (including details of this year’s tour) is available at:  www.polin.pl/pl/muzeumnakolkach and at the Museum on Wheels profile on Facebook.

Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


www.eeagrants.org, www.norwaygrants.org
More about "Jewish Cultural Heritage" project