
Pekaes will support the Gwoździec Re!construction project

The Pekaes Group, one of the largest Polish road transportation companies, decided to join the project of reconstruction of the wooden synagogue roof which will be among main elements of the Into the Country Gallery in the Museum’s core exhibition.

The company declared its assistance in the transport of wooden elements. In July, after completion of carpentry work at the Open Air Folk Architecture Museum in Sanok, the wooden roof structure will be transported to Warsaw. At the same time, eight wooden panels forming the vault of the roof will be shipped from Sanok to Rzeszów and Warsaw. These panels will then be used during painting workshops.

We thank Pekaes for its support and we hope that this will be the beginning of fruitful cooperation between the Museum and the company in the execution of this innovative project. We also hope that the example of our partnership will encourage more companies to join.