
International conference "East Central Europe at the Crossroads: Jewish Transnational Networks and Identities"

Obrazek podzielony na trzy części. Na jednej z nich małżeństwo żydowskie przy kasie biletowej, na środkowym - statek na morzu, a na trzecim mężczyzna w garniturze i kapeluszu przy kasie.
Fot. Kolekcja Biblioteki Narodowej

This conference brings together the latest scholarship on the broad themes of transnationalism, intersectionality, and cross-border exchanges in Jewish history from the early modern period to the present.

On the first day of the conference, Tara Zahra will give the keynote lecture titled "European Jews between Globalization and Deglobalization." The conference will include panels with leading scholars from Europe, Israel, North America and South America. The goal is to form a better picture of the most current research on the subject of Jewish transnationalism. This will cover cultural, religious, economic, and social aspects of the topic.


  • POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw
  • YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, New York
  • Columbia University, New York
  • University of Buenos Aires
  • The Institute for the History of Polish Jewry and Poland-Israel Relations, Tel Aviv University
  • Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow
  • Institute for Jewish Studies & Slavic Institute, University of Potsdam
  • Taube Center for Jewish Studies, University of Wrocław
  • History Department, University of Warsaw

Conference theme >>

Speakers’ bios >>

Conference program >>

Steering comitee >>

Logos of organizers and partners of conference East Central Europe at the Crossroads: Jewish Transnational Networks and Identities in POLIN Museum