
TISH Festival: Shabbat dinner

Stół przygotowany do kolacji, leżą na nim sztućce i stoją kieliszki.
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

We have a great pleasure to invite you to a special Friday dinner which will begin with the onset of Shabbat and will put you in a relaxing, family mood.

  • 24 September, 7.30PM – 9PM  
  • Venue: Czytelnik Nowe Wydanie Cafe, 12A Wiejska Street
  • Tickets: 190PLN
  • You can book and purchase tickets at: [email protected]
  • Please choose the menu option while booking (vegetarian / non-vegetarian)

The menu - the choice of vegetarian and non-vegetarian consisting of appetisers followed by first and second courses - will be introduced by chef Grzegorz Jankowski. The dessert will be prepared by master confectioner Alessia di Donato.

The dinner will be accompanied by a tale of Jewish cuisine and its links with neighbouring cuisines, including regional Polish foods. During the dinner, alcohols matched with the dishes will be served (included in the ticket price).

Accompanying event organised by Czytelnik New Edition Cafe.