For Children

TISH Festival: Mirabelle Plum Tree: A True Story – a family workshop

Grupa dzieci stoi tyłem do widza, wokół stołu. Patrzą na kobietę, która się do nich uśmiecha
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Family workshop with participation of a special guest, Cezary Harasimowicz—film director, screenwriter, writer and author of the book titled "Mirabelka".

This very tree from Nalewki Street which bears sweet yellow aromatic fruit is the protagonist and narrator in the book - a witness to the times gone by, it preserves the memory of people who are no more.

The story of "Mirabelle" plum tree is also presented in "Here Is Muranów" temporary exhibition. Having listened to Cezary Harasimowicz’ reminiscences of his childhood, playing games with friends and finding treasures, we will visit the exhibition to seek traces of events described in the book. Literary inspiration will become a basis for our creative activities.

Family workshop for children (aged 9 and up) with guardians.