
TISH Festival: Hubbub – kitchens and courtyards of old Muranów – a culinary walk

W parku w jesiennych barwach stoi grupa ludzi i opowiadają sobie nawzajem jakieś historie
fot. Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

The courtyards of Muranów were once full of hustle and bustle. Languages, flavours and aromas intermingled - sharp smell of garlic and onion blended with a pleasant aroma of freshly baked challah and spices.

  • 3 October (Saturday), 1PM
  • Venue: start at "Here Is Muranów" temporary exhibition

During the walk, we will try to conjure up the smells of pre-war courtyards of Nalewki Street. We will find out what was most frequently eaten by the Northern Quarter residents and learn the secret recipes for a pre-war goulash desert and Jewish caviar.