
Polin Choir

Publiczność wraz z chórem POLIN podczas występu.
fot. Magdalena Starowieyska/Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN

In 2014 the Museum of the History of Polish Jews invited Warsaw residents to take part in an original music project – a choir that was to create a composition inspired by the legend of the arrival of Jews in Poland.

During the Grand Opening of POLIN Museum’s core exhibition (October 2014) the composition was performed for the first time. Professionals and amateurs, teenagers, adults and seniors, representatives of Warsaw’s minorities all took part in the project.

Aside from learning traditional vocal techniques, the choir employed non-ordinary means of expression: sounds, melodies and interpretations resulting from individual or group explorations in the fields of voice emission, rhythm and sound.

The interpretation of the legend about the arrival of Jews in Poland prepared by the Choir drew inspiration from many contexts: Jewish songs and texts were combined with compositions from other musical traditions where the leading theme was a life journey, praying for a safe journey, looking for a home. The word “Po-lin” means “Poland” in Hebrew and Yiddish, but also “rest here.” These meanings are interwoven in the legend of the arrival of Jews in Poland. 

The composition will be performed again at the Museum in Polish, English, Hebrew and Yiddish. It will be accompanied by the sounds of a forest, animals, birds and will feature several dozen exceptional performers.

The choir is conducted by Sean Palmer, an independent British artist, composer and conductor. Accompanist, voice coach, composer: Jakub Pałys. Theatrical cooperation: Martina Rampulla.

21 April, 7:00 p.m., free admission, online reservation required.


Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway