
Lectures on the Core Exhibition

Zdjęcie dwóch Żydów ściskających sobie dłonie.
fot. zbiory Marcina Wodzińskiego

On February 24, 2014, at 6.00 PM we invite you to attend the next meeting in the Lectures on the Core Exhibition series.

Prof. Marcin Wodziński will deliver a lecture entitled Jews in Poland or Polish Jews? The Main Challenges of the Narration in the Long Nineteenth Century Gallery.

What impact did the partitions of Poland have on the life of Polish Jews? Were they still “Polish Jews” after 1795, and how so? What sort of life changes did the policies of the partitioning powers bring about? What was the impact of the great changes occurring in the 19th century – industrialization, urbanization, the emergence of new ideologies? Prof. Marcin Wodziński (University of Wrocław), co-author of the 19th century gallery, will present its main themes, narrative strategy as well as the principal controversies born during the making of this part of the exhibition.


The cycle of lectures on the Core Exhibition allows visitors to get to know about its contents and its backstage before the grand opening in 2014. Each month the experts and the curators tell about challenges which they faced during their work on the galleries of the Core Exhibition.

Screening room

Lecture in Polish (without translation)

Free admission

Supported from the Norway and EEA Grants by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


www.eeagrants.org, www.norwaygrants.org

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