For Children

King Matt goes on holiday - closing of the temporary exhibition for children

Finisaż wystawy "W Polsce króla Maciusia. 100-lecie odzyskania niepodległości" w Muzeum POLIN
Opis zdjęcia: dzieci w papierowych koronach na głowach siedzą na bujanych, drewnianych konikach - patrzą w górę. Za nimi stoją dorośli i młodzież obu płci, fot. M. Starowieyska / Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich

Last family Sunday at the exhibition "In King Matt's Poland. The 100th Anniversary of Regaining Independence".

30 June (Sunday), 11AM, free admission, tickets required on the walk (PLN 10/PLN 15), TICKETS >>

  • 11AM - King Matt goes on holiday – closing of the temporary exhibition for children
    The school year is over! We invite you to an open family event for the closing of our temporary exhibition. The program includes a tour of the exhibition guided by educators, games, as well as a creative workshop, during which we will prepare a summer kit for the young king by sewing, gluing and knitting.  To conclude the day, we will invite everyone to join us for a theatrical event.
  • 2.30PM - Jewish heroes from my city – a walk
    During the tour of Muranów, we will look for the heroes presented at the POLIN  core exhibition and the places linked to their lives.
  • 4PM - Series of meetings with parents focusing on the pedagogy of Janusz Korczak
    Selected pedagogical ideas of Janusz Korczak will serve as an inspiration for our monthly meetings aimed at seeking solutions to pressing educational issues. The meeting accompanies the exhibition In King Matt's Poland.