Itay Ziv – an Israeli with Polish passport – about the contemporary role of an engaged artist

Itay Ziv, a POLIN Museum resident will host a seminar entitled “The Feeling of Belonging – the Artistic Acts of Escapism”. During the seminar, he will speak about the contemporary role of the artist undertaking the issues of remembrance and history.
The creators referred to during the seminar will include Ilija Kubakov (The Man Who Flew into Space from his Apartment), Bas Jan Ader (In Search of the Miraculous) and Hakim Bay (Temporary Autonomic Zone). Itay Ziv will also present two of his own films: My Ghetto and Documentary about the Holocaust. The artist is both a protagonist and a spokesperson for the ‘third generation’ in these productions. In My Ghetto, he makes a reference to the Holocaust experience as communicated to him predominantly by culture and media.
The latter image sees Ziv wondering about his own artistic commentary to Shoah. While engaging in conversations with friends and relatives, Ziv studies public expectations towards artists with respect to representing history in art.
The meeting will outline the context of the project which the artist is realising within the framework of his creative stay at POLIN Museum – a film depicting attempts of Jews, including Jews from Israel, at being granted a Polish passport.
The meeting will be conducted in English. Reservations at: [email protected]
Learn more about Itay Ziv’s Warsaw residency project at a workshop with the artist moderated by reporter Paweł Smoleński on 13th December at 6:00 p.m.
Itay Ziv resides and works in Tel Aviv. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in Amsterdam and from the Bazalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Presently, he is working on his doctor’s thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. He is a member of such fellowship programmes as Stichting Schürmann-Krant and the Israeli Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. He is also a beneficiary of the doctorate programme in artistic research – TahTO. Itay Ziv’s works were presented, inter alia, in the Jewish Museum in Munich, in the Art Museum in Haifa and in the Shay Arye Gallery in Tel Aviv.
More information about the residency.
Program „Muzeum Otwarte – edukacja w działaniu” realizowany jest w ramach projektu „Żydowskie dziedzictwo kulturowe”, komponent „Oblicza różnorodności”. Realizacja projektu dzięki wsparciu udzielonemu z funduszy norweskich i EOG przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię,
Więcej o projekcie „Żydowskie dziedzictwo kulturowe”