
Is there a Jewish Politics of the Holocaust Remembrance?

fot. flickr / Tina Monumentalia / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

How has the Holocaust become a foundational event for contemporary European identity? Are current political rituals underpinned with an authentic need for Holocaust remembrance? Whatever happened to the Jewish voices in this new cosmopolitan constellation?

Prof. Natan Sznaider of the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, a sociologist specializing in cultural memory studies, will discuss contemporary cosmopolitan memory of the Holocaust, including the Jewish, Polish, Western and Eastern European perspective.

The lecture is part of a cycle of open lectures "The History of Jews: Old and New Questions".

The lecture is organized within the Global Education Outreach Program.

The lecture was made possible thanks to the support of the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture, the William K. Bowes, Jr. Foundation, and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland. 


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