
"The Assembly" – film show

Plakat filmu "Spotkanie"
Plakat filmu "Spotkanie"

"The Assembly," a film written and directed by Hershey Felder and filmed in Poland, was inspired by the work of Holocaust survivor Eva Libitzky, who lost all of her family in the Holocaust during World War II. After the screening Q&A with Hershey Felder and Moses Libitzky – Eva's son.

  • Sunday, 29 October, 2023 at 4:15 p.m.
  • POLIN Museum, conference room A
  • Free entrance
  • Limited number of places

For the last 40 years of her life, Libitzky made it her mission to tell her harrowing life story at hundreds of school assemblies to ensure the young people of America never forget what happened in Europe 80 years ago. Libitzky passed away at 97 in 2021, but this new film featuring these eight students will carry on her legacy.

The program under patronage of the European Jewish Culture Days 2023.


  • Taube Philantropies
  • The Taube Center For Jewish Life & Learning in Warsaw