
19th Millennium Docs Against Gravity: "Three Minutes – A Lengthening" – film and meeting with Bianca Stigter

Kadr z filmu "Trzy minuty zawieszone w czasie". Młody chłopak uśmiecha się, za nim stoi mężczyzna.
Kadr z filmu "Trzy minuty zawieszone w czasie"

The story of Polish village Nasielsk destroyed by the Holocaust recovered from a video footage dating back to 1938, found by accident over 80 years later in Florida.

The home movies Glenn Kurtz found in his parents’ home in Florida were rarer and more precious still. Bianca Stigter transforms David Kurtz’s shimmering images from over 80 years ago into a remarkable meditation on what it means for a lost Jewish community of Polish village Nasielsk to be captured on film.

"Three Minutes – A Lengthening"

  • Niderlandy, Wielka Brytania 2021, 68 min
  • Directed by: Bianca Stigter
  • Cinematography by: David Kurtz
  • Producer: Floor Onrust
  • Production: Family Affair Films
  • Selected festivals and awards: 2021 – Venice IFF; Telluride FF; Toronto IFF; DOC NYC New York; IDFA Amsterdam