Meeting 27.11.2024 – online How to Commemorate the Roma and Sinti Holocaust? – Online Meeting Listen to cultural sector professionals and educators and get to know their insightful artistic and educational approaches to commemorating Roma and Sinti Holocaust.
Meeting 10.05.2024 Cross-cultural cuisine – meeting and cooking show Experience the richness and diversity of multicultural cuisine and flavours from around the world and support people with refugee experience.
Meeting 30.09.2023 TISH Festival: Nomads Kitchen & FOODISH – meeting and cooking show The meeting will focus on stories about local grown and produce and talk about sustainability and climate responsibility in Israel. We will also learn what the Nomads Kitchen is – project created during the pandemic.
Meeting 5.11.2023 "Testimonies from the Warsaw Ghetto" online conversation series Online conversations with the children and grandchildren of those who wrote about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising while hiding in the ghetto.
Meeting 29.06.2023 POLIN Reading Room: Silvia Foti’s "Storm in the Land of Rain: A Memoir" Yale Reisner will talk to the author Silvia Foti and film maker Michael Kretzmer.
Meeting 21.05.2023 - online POLIN Reading Room: "Around Us a Sea of Fire. The Fate of Jewish Civilians During the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" Join a discussion of the publication accompanying POLIN Museum’s temporary exhibition, "Around Us a Sea of Fire."
Meeting 11.12.2022 - online POLIN Book Talks: "Cheek to Cheek" – Jewish Confrontations with Modernity on the Dance Floor Sonia Gollance will discuss her new book, "It Could Lead to Dancing: Mixed-Sex Dancing and Jewish Modernity," in conversation with Naomi Seidman and Sunny Yudkoff.
Meeting 18.11-9.12.2022 Warsaw places – cross-cultural meetings of young people A course will create a space for exploring the city and cross-cultural meetings.
Meeting 28.10.2022 How to counteract prejudice? Presentation of seminar activities We invite you to the presentation of projects by 24 students from Norway, Germany, and Poland.
Meeting 12.10.2022 - online TISH Festival: All About Honey – Jewish, Polish, and Ukrainian Traditions Ringing in the Jewish New Year on a sweet note, we will explore honey.
Meeting 19.04.2022 - online Tsivia Lubetkin and Yitzhak Zuckerman – two ghetto fighters in love, remembered by Eyal Menashes Zuckerman On the 79th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, we will meet Eyal Menashes Zuckerman who will reminisce about her grandparents.
Meeting 12.12.2021 - online Meet the Family: Ḥayim Zelig Słonimski Lee Slonimsky, a great grandnephew of Ḥayim Zelig Słonimski will explore the legacy of this astronomer, inventor, educator, and popularizer of science.
Meeting 07.11.2021 - online Meet the Family: Jan Marcin Szancer Elisabeth Szancer will explore the life and work of Jan Marcin Szancer.
Meeting 25.09.2021 TISH Festival: NEIGHBOURS: Meeting with Amsterdam Jewish cuisin We will listen to stories related to Jewish food and its links with the Dutch cuisine, including the famous “bolus” cake.
Meeting 22.09.2021 - online TISH FESTIVAL: Shop like a local – in search of Ashkenazi flavors in Warsaw Visit with us one of the best places in Warsaw to buy natural products directly from the producers and farmers!
Meeting 12.09.2021 - online Meet the Family: Helena Rubinstein Suzanne Slesin will explore the life and work of Helena Rubinstein, her grandmother by marriage, in conversation with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett.