PIYE 2019 - spotkanie w Tel-Avivie. Grupa młodzieży na tle wieżowców.
fot. Samuel Saada

Polish-Israeli Youth Exchange 2019

Polish-Israeli Youth Exchange (PIYE) was the longest running educational program of POLIN Museum and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland. It was addressed to young Poles and Israelis.

PIYE offered both Polish and Israeli participants an opportunity to enter into a Polish-Jewish dialogue and to discuss the topic of inter-culturalism. The activities planned for the program were aimed to motivate young people to cooperate and to form partnerships so that in the future they would be able to realize joint projects devoted to preserving and popularizing the heritage of Polish Jews.

The program - realized both in Poland and in Israel - allowed its participants to familiarize with each other’s perspectives and with good practices used in both countries. It provided an opportunity to learn from experiences of others and to confront their own view on history and contemporary relations between Poles and Jews and on the challenges that the two nations face today. The program included classes in developing skills of implementing projects, international cooperation, fundraising from institutions and private donors, and meetings with representatives of social-educational organizations in operation in Poland and Israel. The program’s premise was to seek answers together and to come up with new ideas for intercultural projects.



Amasada Izraela w Warszawie

The program was realized by POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland, thanks to the financial support from the Museum donors –Tomek Ulatowski and Ygal Ozechov

POLIN Museum